TYC Objectives
The Youth Conference was created to achieve the following four objectives:
- To bring glory and honor to God.
- To encourage young people to study God’s Word.
- To provide young people with the opportunity to speak with each other concerning God’s Word and its application in their lives.
- To build relationships between young people, young married couples, and older brothers and sisters.
The conference is designed for Bible students desiring and committed to learning more about God’s word. In order to maintain a spiritual focus around God’s word it is important that attendees are committed to the conference concept and all of the following guidelines and rules.
If you decide to attend the conference, you must agree to uphold the spirit and letter of these guidelines and rules. If you are not committed to any of the rules or guidelines described below than please do not register for the conference. If the rules are not respected you may be asked to leave the conference and may be asked to refrain from coming to the conference in the future.
These guidelines and rules have been developed to:
- Support the pursuit of Youth Conference Objectives
- To facilitate the gathering of a large number of people with different needs
- To ensure safety
- To preserve the facility and grounds
“Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Phil 2:4
Personal Conduct:
Full cooperation is to be given to committee and support staff at the conference.
Prompt attendance is required at all scheduled activities unless the activity is marked as “optional”.
All clothing should be modest, neat and tidy, free of tatters and tears at all times. Women should not wear bikinis, halter tops, etc. Men should wear shirts at all times, except while swimming. No shorts or pajamas should be worn to any classes. Wear shoes or sandals to all classes. Sisters should wear a head covering to all classes.
For Discussion Groups, wear clothes suitable for ecclesia classes. For Memorial Meeting, wear clothes suitable for Memorial Meeting. Jeans should not be worn to Memorial Meetings.
Men and women are to stay out of tents and trailers of the opposite sex.
Operation of the Camp:
Camp groups are to operate together for camping, sleeping and eating arrangements. Sleep at your own site, Eat with your own group. Help with set up, cooking, dishes, etc. Remember, camp coordinators are not your mothers!
Use of the Grounds:
Attendees must stay within the camp during the week. The land outside the fence and gates does not belong to the camp. When on other land it is considered trespassing. Trespassing will not be tolerated at the conference and will be dealt with up to and including expulsion from the camp. The land owners will assume no responsibility for any injuries sustained by camp attendees that occur on the camp property or surrounding property. Any need to leave the camp should be for emergency purposes only. Please speak to assigned committee member.
Visiting the graveyard is not permitted at ANY time.
All garbage, which can be recycled must be separated and emptied into the appropriate marked bins. Other garbage is to be placed in plastic bags and then deposited into the appropriate marked bins. Do not deposit garbage on the grounds including in trash bins that do not have plastic bags in them. Do not throw aerosol cans into the bonfire.
Do not cut any live trees or branches.
Speed limit on campground is 15 MPH.
Mudding in your vehicle on the grounds is not permitted.
Do not bring or use any of the following at camp:
- Tobacco products
- Vaping products
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Drugs (other than prescribed by a physician)
- Electronic toys or equipment for leisure and entertainment (i.e. radios, CD players, video games)
- Firearms
- The camp, including land surrounding the camp is strictly a non-smoking environment. (Tobacco- free)
- Fire:
- NO campfires on the sites.
- Each site must have two half-filled buckets of water to be used in case of an emergency.
- Coleman type lamps are not to be hung from trees, ropes or tents.